Irena Leszczyńska, Maria Jeżewska, Bogdan Jaremin: Work-related stress a...

Start2008Irena Leszczyńska, Maria Je...

The present concept of stress is related with the necessity of triangulation in research. Triangulation means collecting evidence of stress from at least three sources: a) precursors – perception and feeling (moderating factors), b) direct consequences, c) state of health. Is it possible to implement triangulation in the investigations of work-related stress at sea?

In the present paper, possibilities of collecting data on the work at sea are analyzed as regards individual aspects – stages of triangulation. The employment of triangulation principles to examine stress in persons working at sea requires both time and application of certain corrections to methodology of examinations carried out in Poland. When examining seafarers, we deal mainly with subjective information on perception of work and individual feeling of work-related stress. A proposition to expand the methodological workshop of examining stress at sea according to triangulation principles has been presented.

Keywords: work-related stress at sea, concept of triangulation.

Inter-Faculty Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine,
Medical University of Gdańsk
Clinic of Occupational and Internal Diseases
National Centre of Maritime Medicine
Powstania Styczniowego 9B, Gdynia 81-519
Address for correspondence: Dr Irena Leszczyńska, address as above,
E-mail: ; Tel.+48-58-349-37-33