Irena Leszczyńska, Bogdan Jaremin, Maria Jeżewska: Strategies towards he...

Start2007Irena Leszczyńska, Bogdan J...

The aim of the paper is to present problems, limitations and advantages of strategies adopted for health protection at sea, with particular regard to health promotion.
The invitation is extended to IMH readers to join in discussion and to present suggestions how to improve the present practice of health services for seafarers.


health promotion, psychosocial hazards, seafarer sector

Inter-Faculty Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia
**Clinic of Occupational and Internal Diseases, Head: Prof.B. Jaremin, MD, PhD
National Centre of Maritime Medicine
*Laboratory of Psychology
Medical University of Gdansk

Address for correspondence:
Irena Leszczyńska, PhD
Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine
Powstania Styczniowego 9 B, 81-519 Gdynia, Poland